PDF-eXPLODE- the best value for money in e-Document delivery!

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How Crystal Reports Bursting Can Increase Your Profit!

Technology has a big impact on most businesses today. Even small companies with turnover between $250,000 to $1,000,000 can benefit from document bursting and delivery.
If you are a small-business owner, you are “busy” all the time with so many varied responsibilities. And sending invoices to clients is one of them. From a technical point of view, cash flow is important to your business and issuing invoices on a timely basis means you will more than likely receive the payment earlier than usual.

Electronic document delivery is at the forefront of Business today...

Every company generates documents for internal and external delivery - client invoices, suppliers payments, various reports, etc. Costs associated with the daily, weekly or monthly document exchanges via mail are escalating, in addition to the excessive processing load on the Business's computer resources.
As people demand more information, businesses need to streamline and re-engineer their processes to better manage their time cost effectively, whilst finding more efficient and accurate ways to communicate.

The greatest CRYSTAL REPORTS bursting distribution tool is here to help!

As people demand more information, businesses need to streamline and re-engineer their processes to be more time conscious and cost effective, finding more efficient and accurate ways to communicate. The manual process of printing, sorting and mailing stacks of paper, or sending e-mails one by one is inefficient and costly. Enter the world of PDF-eXPLODE...

Increase your productivity

PDF-eXPLODE relieves the stress of distributing your Invoices, Statements or Paystubs from Crystal Reports or R & R Report Writer. Spend less time processing reports and more time on your business. Utilize the greatest Document Bursting distribution tool.

  • Automatically split and email any Report, Invoices, Statements, Pay stubs and more
  • Save time on document processing and save money on postage
  • improve your cash flow and watch your office efficiency improve
  • AND have spare time to yourself.

Go paper.less and step into the office of the future

The paperless office was a slogan, intended to describe the office of the future. The concept of 'paperless', focuses on reducing paper consumption. This in turn will save trees as well as reduce your carbon footprint. You will see your net profits surge and your business efficiencies increase overall.
Electronic document delivery at its easiest! You would not only save heaps of time in the process, but it will also result in real cash savings of postage, labor, paper and ink.

The Future of Bulk Invoicing

PDF-eXPLODE revolutionizes the process of bulk invoicing delivery for businesses; and it does so by streamlining document delivery. This groundbreaking product is the first of its kind to electronically manage and convert large quantities of documents into PDF attachments for emails, fax or FTP; without any assistance needed by an employee.
Unlike other similar available softwares, PDF-eXPLODE is simple and affordable; which is primarily why it helps businesses save money. On average, companies can save fifty cents per document processed through PDF-eXPLODE, which means that businesses can profit from their auto invoice delivery.

Ready To Simplify?

The greatest Document bursting and Invoice distribution tool is here.

Businesses are increasingly under pressure to streamline their in-office manual or semi-manual systems. This system re-engineering must extend in the first instance to their Invoice distribution. Why? This implemented process will lead to better cash flow and a more processional business outlook. The manual process of printing, sorting and mailing stacks of paper, or sending e-mails one by one is inefficient and costly. Enter the world of PDF-eXPLODE ...

So What Is Special About PDF-eXPLODE?

PDF-eXPLODE is an electronic document distribution tool that lets businesses send batches of personalized PDF documents to designated recipients with the click of the printer button. Functioning as a Windows printer, PDF-eXPLODE can integrate with your existing business software. It captures a complete report or a Word or mail merge document sent to the printer and converts it to a "master" PDF.

It then explodes or bursts the master PDF into individual PDF attachments (also known as 'document bursting')...
