So What Is Special About PDF-eXPLODE?« Back

PDF-eXPLODE is an electronic document distribution tool that lets businesses send batches of personalized PDF documents to designated recipients with the click of the printer button. Functioning as a Windows printer, PDF-eXPLODE can integrate with your existing business software. It captures a complete report or a Word or mail merge document sent to the printer and converts it to a "master" PDF.

It then explodes or bursts the master PDF into individual PDF attachments (also known as 'document bursting'); sorts and batches them by email destination based on hidden tags embedded in the original report and emails the PDFs as attachments, with a user defined message.

It's as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!

PDF-eXPLODE works with most Business Applications and Report Writers like:
Crystal Reports | SQL Server Reporting Services | Cognos | R&R Report Writer | MS Access | MS Word | MS Visual FoxPro

and Accounting Software like:
MYOB | Sage | QuickBooks | MS Dynamics | PeopleSoft | and many others .


How much can your company save with PDF-eXPLODE?

Hard Benefits
You no longer have the expense of postage and printing, and because you no longer have to stuff and seal envelopes, labor savings in addition to postage will result in more than $60 a month (based on 20 invoices per week); that's over $720 a year! This will sharply rise with the number of invoices issued, cost of postage, stationery and labor charges.

Soft Benefits
Improve office efficiency with better document filing, less paper handling. Improve cash flow with early delivery of invoices/statements to Clients. Improve Sales foresight and early warning analysis with a quicker delivery of Sales reports.

Let the ROI1 calculator show you how much you can save

The following table will assist you in calculating the potential savings you can make by converting to electronic delivery from a current paper driven Invoice and remittance trail. You will save on postage, printing inks, stationery, labor hours in printing, sorting, enveloping and delivering your Invoices and/or payments to a Post office

1 RETURN ON INVESTMENT ~ how quickly you can offset your PDF-eXPLODE software purchase cost against savings you generate.

* Monthly Savings = { ([postage + materials] x BatchesPerWk x No.Documents) + (LaborHours x Rate p.h.) } x 4.1666
    Annual Savings = [Monthly Svings] x 12

Potential Savings Per Month with PDF-eXPLODE *

Potential Savings Per Year with PDF-eXPLODE *

Start your free 45 day trial!

No Credit Card Required.
